目前分類:My Islamic life (91)

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I still stay the sadness feeling about marriage of The sister in south of Taiwan.
Whatever she make the choice.I hope Allah will guide the a right way back to islam.

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Thanks Allah guiding.
After my work I just came back to my house and pray Asr.

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Alahu Akarba~
Plaese help The Sister in south of Taiwan.

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Thanks for Allah guiding.

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Everything I need apriciate Allah SWT guiding.Sometime I mutter about my hard job.
Why I need to take a hard job at my twenty-seven years old.Maybe it's chance I didn't realize.

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Thanks for Allah guiding and giving.
I can learn more sura of Qur'an reciting in islam.org.hk

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  • May 23 Sat 2009 21:47
  • prayer

Thanks Allah guiding.
The best one I can felt so happiness is praying in my house.

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Everytime I feel sad I will recited all the sura of Qu'ran I knew.
Sometimes I feel happy I will sing it.But I know it can't be sang like that.

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Since two years ago I started to miss my mother special I got hurt.
I regret I never do my filial duty for her.How long can't I feel her love?

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Everyday I always expect what I can gain from other people.
That's not correct.I knew I am so selfish.

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I knew what I fear now.Only one thing I can do.
Jusat pray and make more Du'a for him and me.

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Everybody will seek out your Mr. Right in your life.
Even me too.

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Happy Mother's day!

There's almost 12 year.When I reminisce my mother's face.I can feel what you always demand keeping our hard study and get a good achivement.Since you left us in 1997.Until now I can't adapt ur died.

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No need to say any words to me.

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The older always talk me to learn more islam in mosque.But what they want to teach me.Nothing I could see.Sometimes I attend their reciting  classes on the weekend. Actually it's not interesting.Everytime I fall asleep.I don't say they don't know how to teach.But the true is what you can find.

When I saw other islam country they innovate some basic education in elementary school.They try to cultivate the kids'  interest in islam with a game.The kids  can be attracted by those amusing and entertaining teaching.They won't depart from their real life.We must think how to fit these belief in to Taiwanese way of life.We must be pondering deeply over the  myth we forcus.

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Everyday I keep my strong belief in islam.My co-workers can't realize my behavior.Whta is the traditional culture we have to keep?

Like me.I was born in Taiwan.I am a logal people.But I converted in islam start from 2003.My family don't understand what kind of power could attract me to convert.They thought it's just a religion.No need invest most of my life in this one.

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Do you dream you could find your Mr. Right?

Do you know how to seek out your Mr. Right?

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