

Miss someone will make people get sad But I am diffreent .I feel happiness for that.Coz of my bad temper I knew.I couldn't hurt others so I have to give up what I like.

How can I seek the Mr. right without a good Iman?Maybe I have to introspect myself.What I did before.It' s a long story I can't forget.How can I forgive myself?I always fall into my sad past so easiler.All reminiscence in my deep heart were so sorry.I can't face those compunction at that time even now.When I woke on my rest day I often reminisce what happened before 3 years ago.So hard to suffer all the time.Why I converted to muslim!Why I stay in islam.All the real reason just be reminiscenced by now.What I can say and put any excuse on those mistakes.Others adviced me forgiving all the nightmare and make my good life.But I can't.It's so ....hard.

Astafirullah...Someday I could  hold my own life.

Insha allah.Just thanks for allah guiding.


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